Monday, 28 February 2011

"When do we get our 2 minutes silence?"

   Prime Minister John Key has asked all New Zealanders to observe 2 minutes silence this Tuesday at 12.51pm, to show respect for the dead and solidarity with the living after the Christchurch earthquake last week.

Hand of baby, killed at 14 weeks old, by suction abortion.
   Much has been said and written about the dignity and value of human lives relative to material things over the past week.  And much (well-deserved) praise has been heaped on medical staff caring for the injured.  The death toll stands at 148.

   Yet just think, every month since the last big quake in Canterbury in September and now, well over 150 Cantabrians have been killed by the same professional medical staff – in abortions.

   Where was the national outpouring of concern then?  Where were the TV crews?  What did Prime Minister John Key have to say then?  Why was Mayor Bob Parker not talking about how irreplaceable human lives are then?  Why didn't we hold our breaths with tears in our eyes when all those children were dragged dead or dying from the safety of their mother's wombs?  What was said about their dignity and value to the country?

   It has been said that 22 February 2011 was New Zealand’s darkest hour.  However, nothing can really beat 16 December 1977, the date that the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977 was given royal assent and became law, ushering in the holocaust of abortion that has killed over 400,000 New Zealanders since then.

   I reckon that must be worth at least two minutes silence one day.

   Failing that, at least on Tuesday, let us stop at 12.51 pm and remember ALL the tragic deaths in Christchurch over the last six months - including the dear departed aborted children.

   And let us pledge to restore not just Christchurch, but a culture of respect for all human life in Canterbury and New Zealand.