Wednesday, 20 October 2010

Where do your rights come from?

Rights are not given to us by “the people”, the government, a constitution or a bill of rights.  If that was the case, they could then be taken away just as easily, therefore they obviously would not be rights at all.
  • Every nation state that has ever existed, or will exist, has gone out of existence or will go out of existence.
  • Every human being that has ever existed, or will exist, has an immortal soul that will last forever.
  • The One who gives us that soul also established the natural law that gives us rights and responsibilities.
This is the basis for transcendent rights.

You have rights because of what and who you are, given by the law-giver of the natural law – Almighty God.
Have a chat with Him today and ask Him to help to form your conscience, in which lies your awareness of the natural law. You could also read some words inspired by Him, in the Bible.  Best of all, you could visit His Son, just pop into any Catholic church to experience the Real Presence of Jesus Christ.

(Thanks to Professor Charlie Rice for inspiring this note.)

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